I have a quiet obsession with visualizers, so I’m jumping on the SXSW bandwagon only because of this amazing Twitter mashup PepsicoZeitgeist. It combines mapping (swarm) showing where there are multiple tweeters in one spot, with the SXSW streams of tweets (stream), tracks hotspots, (party), and trending topics (popular). Pepsico are also putting out a comprehensive multimedia coverage of the event via blogs, podcasts and streams, its nice to see sponsorship dollars put to such good use.
The other Twitter visualizer I really love, is called Twistori it tracks the words love, hate, think, feel, believe, wish in the general Twitter public timeline. It scrolls through each of the words and feeds them through in this elegant colour coded stream. You have no way of tracking the owner of the tweets, it makes everyone’s tweets equal because it is filtering according to content. Its also available as a screensaver.
No surprises that both projects are developed by same company, Slash7. I love them because they turn data and text into beautiful patterns and stories. Oh and the user interfaces rock too.