Nielsen posted these mobile social stats from December 2009 about the gender differences when accessing social networks via mobile devices. You may be surprised to discover women were found do use their phones to “tweet” and “friend” 10% more than men.
Nielsen research also showed the 35-54 age group had more active mobile social networkers than any other group.
This was exactly the data I was looking for I wrote a post last year about how iPhone was shaping mobile social use and was driving a lot of mobile content creators. 9 months on, and I feel the impact of iPhone and other smart phones is just starting to hit the mainstream, and the statistics support this. AdMob report growth of nearly 300% in iPhone and iPod touch use in Australia alone, between January and November 2009
So how can we use these insights?
- optimising websites – making them mobile and smartphone friendly
- making social sharing easier – sophisticated scripting to know whether you’re logged in to social network so you don’t have to log in every time you want to share on the move
- social shopping, both real and virtual- Facebook announced a strategic partnership with PayPal, Read Facebook Credits “give users a fast and easy way to buy virtual goods on Facebook, including items from the Facebook Gift Shop”
- geo location social- hot for 2010. Watch Foursquare – the sponsorship pieces like Pepsi & Bravo, and the localized business offers
- social games – ones that work on the move. Foursquare encourages repeat use through reward. There are so many social mobile game opportunities, its the “how to monetize” which is the hardest nut to crack.
- extending social media marketing to older audiences – Facebook’s fastes growing demographic in US is also reflecting the shift to 35+, whilst in Australia 25-34 is still growing fastest.
Any others? Please comment
I just found this post from my Google News reader, very usefull post and blog yiou have. keep it up with great work.