I gave this presentation at the 17th Annual World Congress for Science and Factual Producers in Melbourne on 4th December. The audience was mainly documentary and science filmmakers from around the world who came to find out about social media and what it could do for them. The majority of the story/speech is in the Slideshare notes so have a good look if you’re interested in
Many thanks to Daryl Karp from Film Australia for giving me the opportunity to speak at such a prestigious event, along with fellow panelists, Guy Gadney from the Project Factory and Simon Goodrich from Portable Content The audience seemed to get a lot out of the session which was called “What the Hell is Social Media (and Why You Should Care?)”
The common theme from questions? How can busy filmmakers find the time to socialize their content? My answer: its important enough to sacrifice other activity, and 1 -2 hours a day is a fairly small commitment that can be shared between a few people.
Tipetha, Great pres.
Glad to see you ended up with the gig. Trust it went well for you and the audience?!
Chat soon